Adult eye examination and treatment

We have equipment and experience to test eyesight of adults of all ages. Examination in a microscope, the so-called slit lamp, of the anterior segment of the eye and the examination of the eye fundus will enable the correct assessment of the condition of the eye, as well as the diagnosis of eye diseases. We have equipment that allows us to analyze the eye structures, starting from the conjunctiva, sclera and cornea, through the lens and vitreous body, to the retina, choroid and optic nerve.

The analysis of the eye structures will allow us to prescribe glasses or contact lenses, as well as promptly undertake any treatment or recommend any additional examinations.

We also have the measuring equipment necessary to conduct periodic examinations and recommended ophthalmological examinations by federal and cantonal offices (driving license, police, military, aviation etc.)

To conduct a comprehensive examination, it is necessary to dilate pupils with special eye drops. After the pupil dilatation test, you must not drive for at least 4 hours. After doing the above test, it is strongly recommended that you wear sunglasses as your eyes will be very sensitive to light.

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