Eye drops
How to give eye drops?
- Wash your hands well.
- If necessary, remove secretions with cotton and physiological solution.
- Tilt your head back.
- Hold the lower eyelid down but look up.
- Administer a drop or an ointment into the lower fornix of the conjunctiva.
- IMPORTANT – after putting a drop, close your eye for about 60 seconds and at the same time press on the inner corner of your eye to prevent drops from coming out.
- Respect an interval of at least 30 minutes between the different eye drops.
- In case of doubt about the penetration of a drop into the conjunctiva, give a second drop.
- Keep medications out of the reach of children.
Save the environment.
Used or unfinished and expired eye drops as well as other unused medicines should always be placed in a special container for used medicines, available at all pharmacies.
Do not throw the medication in the trash.